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What Are Air Purifiers?
Many people are surprised to learn that the air inside their homes is often more contaminated that the outdoor environment, and since we all spend a lot of time indoors, this regular exposure to poor air quality leads to a number of problems like respiratory issues, asthma and allergies.
Home air purifiers are devices that have been designed to remove contaminants from the air to make it cleaner, safer and less likely to cause health conditions that are related to air quality.
What To Bear In Mind When Choosing An Air Purifier
When choosing the right air purifier for you, there are several things to bear in mind. What size will best suit your needs? How much maintenance will be required? Which features must it have? Above all else, you will be looking for a unit that offers great value for money and which has been proven to work effectively to destroy allergens and bacteria. You must also consider what regular maintenance your air purifier will need, including filter replacement, is crucial to ensure the continued effectiveness of the air purifier.
Why Choose Meaco Air Purifiers?
Meaco have produced a range of impressive air purifying units that have been proven by independent experts to function more effectively than many more expensive machines. Models like the AirVax and Meaco Clean are ideal for home use thanks to their many impressive features.
Meaco AirVax Air Purifier
The AirVax collects a vast range of contaminants from pollen and mould to bacteria, allergens and even smells, and it can trap smaller particles than a regular HEPA filter.
Meaco Clean Air Purifier
The Meaco Clean is suitable for use in larger rooms or office environments and automatically responds to contaminant levels in the air for optimal performance. Thanks to their modern design and low running costs, Meaco's home air purifiers are an efficient, cost-effective solution for ensuring clean air in the home and workplace.